One of the details you should settle before leaving for Spain is where you plan to stay while in Spain. Sometimes, it can get a little tricky if the hotel you booked using the internet turned out to be a dud. What can you do? Here are some ideas you might want to consider.

  1. Call your embassy and find out how they can help you. At the very least, they can recommend a decent place to stay in.
  2. If you have the means, just book at least one night in a hotel while you get yourself organized. This will decrease the stress you are going through, and give you an opportunity to recharge for the challenges of the next day.
  3. spain-hotelThere are youth hostels that usually do not charge an arm and a leg. You will have to call in advance to make a reservation because there is normally a waiting line especially during peak holidays.
  4. If you are traveling with a group, you might want to consider a self contained unit like a daily apartment or townhouse. This will save you some money because rates here are usually lower than in hotels. Other savings could come from cooking your own meals instead of eating out all the time.
  5. If you are interested in seeing more of the provincial cities and towns in Spain, you could consider booking accommodations at a farm house resort. These are not high end accommodations, mostly functional, clean and homey farm houses who may even require you to help pitch in the work to be done around the farm.
  6. Spain also enjoys having many backpack tourists and campers, which is why there are over 1,000 campsites all over the country. This would indeed be an experience for the book, to say that you went camping in Spain.
  7. The ultimate accommodation experience in Spain would be to stay in a parador. A parador is a hotel in a palace. In other words, you will stay in an authentic Spanish palace which has been converted into a hotel. Now here’s the tricky part. Some paradors have completely commercialized their grounds and facilities making it look like a modern day resort.

There is another kind of parador which tries to maintain the original look of the palace, and incorporate the modern conveniences and amenities without compromising the look of the palace. Naturally, staying in a parador will cost much more than a regular hotel room.

spain-hotel-2Finding good and clean accommodations at a moment’s notice can be extremely aggravating especially when you consider that Spain is not an English speaking nation. Nevertheless, accommodations are one of the top priorities in Spain because it is a country whose tourism industry is highly regarded. For a good choice of hotels with discount prices, visit Hotel Reservation in Mallorca for more information.

Thus, before you hop on the plane for your Spanish vacation, make sure about your accommodations, its facilities and location. It will prevent unfortunate cases of lousy accommodations, and at the same time, not cost you more than you plan to spend.

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