Madrid is a fusion of history and modernity. This Hispanic city is comprised of several districts, locally called “barrios,” each representing a unique geographical make-up and boasting of distinct features that contribute to the individual charm of each barrio.
When visiting the city of Madrid, the focal point where all roads in Spain converge is the well-known Puerta del Sol, a junction where the popular km cero is based. Km cero is a busy plaza where shops for tourists and street sellers are assembled. It is also where the city’s shopping center is situated which extends out to an area flanked by Gran Via and Sol. Surrounding Puerta del Sol are some of Madrid’s most charming barrios, including Chueca, Huertas, Sol, Malasaña, and La Latina, along with Moncloa/Argüelles to the north of the junction and Lavapiés to the south.

Districts in MadridBarrio Chueca is considerably a gay and lesbian district. Its district center is known as Plaza de Chueca where various restaurants and bars converge and are generally open during daytime. At night time, barrio Chueca becomes a vivacious district congregated by party-goers, dancing divas and other types of people who want to have a good time on the lively night streets of Chueca.

The barrios of Sol and Huertas are in close proximity with each other with the Sol district situated near Puerta del Sol and barrio Huertas positioned to the south of the Sol district. The region surrounding Sol is home to a lot of tourist hot spots and countless bars that are typically Spanish in appeal. Tourists and Madrileños are guaranteed to have an enjoyable time in these traditional Hispanic districts.

The street leading from Gran Via to Malasaña is called Calle Fuencarral which is perceived to be London-like in appearance. It is a fashion street where trendy stores and funky clothes are on lavished display. Aside from great fashion finds, countless bars and restaurants with diverse offerings are lined up along this notable street that is a blend of Mexican style setting and entirely post-modern corners.

Barrio La Latina is located on the southwestern side of barrio Sol. This district is characterized by old world plazas and buildings along with narrow streets where good finds abound. A hot spot in La Latina district is called the Rastro which is a large flea market where one can find practically anything at a reasonable price. The Rastro is open only on Sundays.

Located on the northern part of Puerta del Sol are the districts of Arguelles and Moncloa. Barrio Arguelles is where one can find numerous bars, clubs and discos found in the basements of the buildings within the district, hence the name “Bajor de Arguelles” which has long been associated with the district of Arguelles. The Museo de America and Parque del Oeste are located in the nearby areas of this barrio.

Last but not the least, Lavapies is somewhat a melting pot where different cultures converge. This multicultural district is greatly shaped by Arabic, gypsy and African influences. In its centre area is the plaza of Lavapies and little farther to the south, one can find Indian and Arabic restaurants, street vendors and artists that add to the romanticized appeal of the district.

These are just a few of the districts in Madrid that signify the city’s modern and historic appeal; however, the city still has equally charming districts just waiting to be explored by highly curious tourists and travelers.

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